Zastanawiali się Państwo kiedyś, dlaczego warto wziąć udział w mobliności pracowniczej? Przedstawiamy wycinek z raportu uczestnika, który obrazuje przykładowe rezultaty.
Zastanawiali się Państwo kiedyś, dlaczego warto wziąć udział w mobliności pracowniczej?
Przedstawiamy wycinek z raportu uczestnika, który obrazuje przykładowe rezultaty.
How satisfied are you with this mobility experience in general?
Very satisfied
What were your main motivations for taking part in this Erasmus+ mobility?
- To acquire knowledge and specific know-how from good practice abroad development
- To increase my job satisfaction
- To create spin-off effects like curriculum development, development of joint courses or modules, academic networks, research collaboration etc.
- To increase the quality and quantity of student and staff mobility to and from my sending institution
- To meet new people
- To increase my future employment and career opportunities
- To receive an Erasmus+ grant
- To improve my foreign language skills
- To improve services offered by my sending institution
Personal and professional development: thanks to this Erasmus+ mobility activity
- I have learned from good practices abroad
- I have gained sector-specific or practical skills relevant for my current job and professional development
- I have enhanced my organisational/management/leadership skills
- I have reinforced or extended my professional network or built up new contacts
- I have reinforced the cooperation with the partner institution/organization
- I have improved my foreign language skills
- I have increased my social, linguistic and/or cultural competences
- I have increased my job satisfaction
- I contributed to create spin-off effects like curriculum development, development of joint courses or modules, academic networks, research collaboration, etc.
- I contributed to increasing the quality and quantity of student or staff mobility to and from my sending institution
- My mobility period has led to internationalization of my sending institution
In what way will your mobility be recognized by your sending institution/enterprise?
- Included in my annual performance assessment
- Informal recognition by my management (such as the head of department / unit, dean, rector)
Do you feel satisfied with this level of recognition?
How would you like to see recognition dealt with by your institution/enterprise?
- As part of my yearly work plan
- Formal recognition by my management
Would you recommend this experience to a colleague?