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Coming OUT

The COMING OuT exhibition is a unique artistic project, that has already become a fixture in calendar of cultural events in Warsaw. Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw leaves the edifices for urban space, showing the most valuable: the most interesting degree pieces by the graduates. The event not only promotes young art but also is an annual, informal meeting of artists: renowned ones – the teachers – with graduates and students of the Academy in Warsaw.

The exhibition presents best degree pieces from seven faculties: Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Arts, Conservation
and Restoration of Works of Art, Interior Design, Design and Media Art and Stage Design.

“We have prepared a special event which aims to promote our best graduates and help them get started with – I hope – great careers. This task is our priority, the Academy’s duty to its alumni.”

(Professor Paweł Nowak)

COMING OuT facilitates collaboration with talented young artists for gallery owners, design studios and companies investing in design of their products.

Website: http://comingout.asp.waw.pl/

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rny1LyPRCqk